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Heart Smart At any Age: Lifelong Strategies for Cardiovascular Health

A live Q&A event, where we’ll answer all your heart health questions online.

This webinar was originally recorded on February 29, 2024.

For more information or additional questions please email womenshealth@northwell.edu.

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Featured Speakers:

Supreeti Buhuria, MD

Director Nuclear Cardiology

Staten Island University Hospital

Northwell Health

Jean Marie Cacciabaudo, MD

Medical Director Huntington Hospital

Director, Eastern Region, Katz Institute for Women’s Health

Co-Director, Women’s Heart Health, Northwell Cardiovascular Institute

Kristina Freshour, MS, RD, CDN

Registered Dietician

Katz Institute for Women’s Health

Eugenia Gianos, MD

System Director Cardiovascular Prevention Program

Director, Western Region Katz Institute Women’s Heart Program

Lennox Hill Hospital

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