Interpace Diagnostics

Interpace Diagnostics, LLC with well over 56,000 tests performed, is a leading provider of molecular testing of indeterminate pancreatic cysts, solid tumors, and biliary strictures.

The Company offers two testing options that aid gastroenterologists in determining pancreatic cancer risk and patient management.

PancraGEN®, a fully integrated reporting of first-line and molecular test results, and PanDNA®, a molecular-only reporting option for physician integration and interpretation of all test results, enable gastroenterologists to determine the risk of patients developing pancreatic cancer using “integrated molecular pathology”, a proprietary and well documented combination assessment of tumor suppressor genes, loss of heterozygosity, imaging, chemistries, and other first line testing.

Integration of molecular and first-line results helps inform the best course of action in patient management—from surgery to active surveillance.


Call: (855) 776-6419

Text: (516) 395-4328


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